Parkes General Medical Practice
Healthcare services for Parkes and surrounds
Offering a comprehensive range of medical services, procedures and testing
25 Church Street, Parkes, NSW 2870
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays – Closed
N.B. This clinic does not offer an after-hour service. For all urgent medical problems, please contact your nearest hospital. Parkes Hospital can be contacted on 02 6861 2400.
Meet the Doctors at Parkes General Medical Centre
Dr Steven Scally
Practice Principal
Dr Usha Boppana
Diabetes & General medicine
Dr Pasansana Gunadasa
Geriatrics, Chronic diseases, Natural remedies (medicinal cannabis)
Mental health, Musculoskeletal conditions, Trauma
Dr Suranga Wijesekara
Women’s health
Where to find Parkes General Medical Practice
Located in Parkes in NSW, you’ll find our clinic in a shopping complex with ample parking available. You’ll easily find our main entrance, with pathology services being located right next door. There is also a pharmacy nearby so you can pick up your prescriptions on your way home.
Our bulk-billing practice is open Monday to Friday (except public holidays) for your convenience.
Parkes General Practice provide a comprehensive range of medical services, procedures and testing. With on site pathology collection, it is your one stop health service.
We operate an appointment system but do keep some appointments open for urgent consultations. You can make an appointment with your doctor by telephoning the surgery.
Standard consultations are 10 minutes duration. This may change if there has been emergencies or if the surgery is very busy. The doctor is able to address one medical problem per consultation, which allows that problem to be dealt with thoroughly and comprehensively, and to allow miscellaneous related issues to be addressed.
Longer appointments can be made though will incur a private fee.
Home visits are available by prior arrangements with the receptionist and as clinically required after discussion with the treating doctor.
We do our best to accommodate walk-in patients, however priority is given to people who have made a booking.
Late Arrivals
Home Visits
You will be informed if fees apply.
Third Party Consent
Contacting your Doctor
If urgent, please give reception staff a clear, concise explanation of the nature of the emergency. This information will be passed on to the doctor. Alternatively, contact the nearest hospital or call 000 if life threatening.
Our patients will be given the option of being contacted by electronic means via email, however this is not our preferred method of communication.
Recall and Reminder Systems
Patient Feedback
As part of our quality assurance and accreditation we will invite you to participate in a survey requesting your views of the practice. All surveys are confidential and assist us in improving our service delivery.
However, please do not wait for a survey to be distributed before you voice your concerns or suggestions. Suggestions or complaints may be placed in the ‘suggestion box’ in the waiting area or discussed with the practice manager. All communications are completely confidential. We will make every effort to respond quickly to your suggestion.
Alternatively you can raise any concerns with the Health Care Complaints Commission by contacting them on
Level 12, 323 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Tel: (02) 9219 7444
Patient Rights
Communication Services
National Relay Service (NRS)
For patients with a hearing/communication impairment
Phone: 133 677
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
For patients who speak languages other than English and require the services of an Interpreter
Phone: 131 450
Engaging with Other Services, Referrals and Scripts
Our practice regularly engages with local health services, such as specialists, allied health and hospitals. If required, your GP will provide sufficient information (referral letter) to plan and facilitate optimal care. It will be necessary to have a consultation with your doctor before a referral can be made.
Scripts will not be given over then phone. You will need to book an appointment with your doctor if you require repeat scripts to ensure you are receiving appropriate care.
Communication via email is inherently insecure, we cannot provide any assurance regarding the security of the information you communicate to us via email. We also cannot guarantee that the information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted over the internet. Accordingly, any personal information or other information which you transmit to us via email is transmitted at your own risk. For all patient enquiries we ask you contact reception directly on (02) 6862 6668.
This clinic does not offer an after-hour service. For all urgent medical problems, please contact your nearest hospital. Parkes Hospital can be contacted on 02 6861 2400 or National Health Direct on 1800 022 222. In an emergency, please call 000.
Transfer of Medical Notes
Privacy Policy
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. You will be required to sign a release form should you need your medical records to be transferred. Please ask the receptionist if you would like a copy of our Privacy Policy.
Medical related fees for our clinic
Although most of our appointments are done through bulk-billing, longer or complex consultations will incur a private fee. Medicals and non-Medicare card holders will need to pay a fee at the time of consultation. Fees are as follows:
- Standard consultation, bulk-billed: $37.60
- Standard consultation, private fee: $85
- Long consultation, private fee: $130
- Basic medical: $200 + GST
For your convenience we accept EFTPOS or cash payments along with Visa or MasterCard.
Bulk Billing is available for standard consultations (up to 15 minutes):
- All children up to the age of 16 years
- All patients with a current Medicare card and a:
Pensioner card
Health Care card
Commonwealth Seniors Health card
Services provided at Parkes General Medical Centre
Acute and chronic disease management
Contact Parkes General Medical Centre to book an appointment
To book an appointment time with your choice of Doctor, please click below to our appointment manager.
If you want to send us feedback or have a general query, please send us an email using the form below.